MOASH’s YAC Collective is a group of five different youth advisory councils, or YACs.
A YAC is a group of young people working together to advance adolescent sexual health in MI while building personal and professional knowledge and skills. YACs are youth-driven, with support from adult MOASH staff facilitators and youth co-facilitators. While each YAC has its own focus of work and individual projects, all work in tandem throughout the year to increase statewide impact, build youth relationships and cultures of support among youth and facilitators, optimize collective capacity, and provide a structured and consistent experience for youth development.
Purpose: The goal of the YAC Collective is to improve Sexual and Rreproductive Health and wellness (SRH) among Michigan youth, particularly among youth who experience systemic marginalization or discrimination. This includes promoting traditional health outcomes (reduced STIs, unintended pregnancies, and sexual violence) as well as positive youth development outcomes (increased SRH empowerment and sex positive culture).
YACs meet at least monthly and participate in the following activities throughout the year:
Social bonding and community building with other youth
Training on sexual health topics and leadership skills
Giving feedback (through surveys, focus groups) on youth programs, policies, and resources from other organizations
Planning and hosting their own YAC projects, presentations, and events
What's the YAC Collective?
What's the YAC Collective?
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Interested in partnering with our YACs on a project or event? Fill out the YAC Partnership Request Form below!
Applicants must be between the ages of 13-24 and live in Michigan. Different YACs have different age ranges and eligibility criteria based on grant requirements and scope of work. We strongly encourage Black youth and youth of color, youth with disabilities, youth in rural areas, youth living with HIV, expectant and parenting youth, and LGBTQIA2S+ youth to apply. Visit our application info document for helpful details and more info!
Want to join a YAC?
Each individual YAC meets monthly based on member availability for one grant cycle (typically one year from October through September). All groups that form the YAC Collective meet quarterly (four times a year) at one large meeting together. We expect members to be able to attend most of the meetings. While we will have a mix of in-person and virtual meetings next year, all meetings will have a virtual join option for member safety, comfort, and accessibility.
Members are expected to consistently communicate both their availability and capacity in a timely manner to ensure effective collaboration
Authenticity (show up as your whole self, whatever that looks like)
It is also expected that members will complete some additional tasks between meetings, if necessary (like when we run out of time at meetings, have an urgent request for youth feedback or are engaging in a special project)
We expect members to help to create a safe and affirming environment both for themselves, their advisors, and their peers
Members should be passionate about youth advocacy work and inclusivity, regardless of previous experience (or the lack thereof)
Permission from a parent or guardian is required for those ages 17 and under
Fair compensation for your time ($20/hr), expertise, and travel as well as meal support at meetings (in the form of gift cards for online meetings)
Opportunities for leadership development
Training on a variety of sexual and reproductive health and social justice topics
Participation in social media campaigns
Opportunities to give feedback on sex education curricula and other youth advocacy project
Participation in panels and events
Other advocacy work relating to youth rights
Members have a lot of say over what happens throughout the year and we're always open to youth feedback. At all times, youth voice is the priority - feel free to offer ideas about how we can best make YACS work for youth.
of Members
MY REC Youth Co-Facilitator
Anamika S.

MY Voice Facilitator
Gray O.

MY PAC Youth Co-Facilitator
JaVonna B.

MY SHARE Co-Facilitator
Kristen H.

MY SHARE Youth Co-Facilitator
Dale K.

MY SHARE Youth Co-Facilitator
Hailey G.

(any pronouns)
MY SHARE Co-Facilitator
Jarred D.

MY PAC Facilitator
Kyna K.

MY Voice Youth Co-Facilitator
Divya R.

MY Faith Facilitator
Hannah M.

MY Faith Youth Co-Facilitator
Kay K.

MY REC Facilitator
Nupur H.

YAC Facs & Co-Facs