Access to Services
MOASH supports and advocates for unrestricted access to safe, legal, and affordable healthcare services for adolescents in accordance with federal law.
It is the right of all people, including young people, to have the tools necessary to control their sexual and reproductive health.
Often youth are disproportionally impacted by the challenges (finances, transportation, insurance, proximity to quality care facilities, provider competence and support, etc.) that most people face in seeking care, and they also face unique challenges as minors regarding confidentiality and parental consent.
Photo Credit: Inclusive Stock Photography Collection. Adolescent Health Initiative. Photographer Bryan McCullough. 2024

Violence Prevention
MOASH works to promote a culture of safety and respect by championing policies for gender equity, as well as clear consent communication in sexual relationships.
We support many efforts around sexual assault prevention, awareness, and services for survivors; consent-inclusive sexual health education; affirmative consent policies; anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies related to sex, gender (including gender identity and gender expression), or marital or parental status; and more.

Sex Education
MOASH supports the implementation of medically accurate, evidence-informed, age-appropriate, and comprehensive sexual health education in schools that is inclusive and affirming of all sexual identities.
Youth have the right to accurate and complete information in order to be able to make informed decisions about their own sexual and reproductive health.
MOASH believes sexual health education starts at birth and is a lifelong learning process that respects cultural norms, values, and beliefs.
Infographics and Toolkits
A Guide to Combating Youth Hate Crimes & Identity Bullying in Michigan
A guide created by MOASH's Michigan Youth Racial Equity Council (MY REC) designed to provide educators, youth-serving organizations,
youth advocates, and youth themselves with the knowledge and resources
to understand and address hate crimes and identity-based bullying.
Family Communication Resource Guide
Research shows that it is important for parents/ caregivers to have knowledge about their
adolescent child's activities, social contacts, and location, as well as having clear parenting rules and supervision. We also know that young people have the right to autonomy and independence. We know these are conversations that can be complicated and families have different dynamics - this is a tool to help with the ongoing process. This resource is not designed as an "end all be all," but rather as a starting point for a lifelong process to promote healthy communication.
K-5 Consent Toolkit Full
This toolkit, designed in collaboration with local and statewide organizations, schools, parents, and students, led by MOASH, guides educators, parents, care- givers, and students through choosing appropriate consent-related curriculum and resources for their classrooms, districts, and households.
MYPAD Toolkit
The purpose of this toolkit is to help you plan and implement an awareness day to celebrate and support the young parents in our state. These parents are working toward their personal goals while building happy, healthy, and thriving families. This toolkit is intended to provide support and materials that can be modified to meet the needs of your audience.

Stay in the know about young people's rights.
Want to know what's going on in the policy realm with adolescent sexual health in Michigan? Curious to know where MOASH stands on the issues? Check out MOASH's Policy Positions and legislative trackers below!
Policy Positions
Check the status of the legislation we're watching about...
These documents have been developed by MOASH as part of our mission to educate our communities about policies and legislation that will impact adolescent sexual health (ASH) in the state of Michigan. These are living documents that will be updated at regular intervals to reflect the latest happenings on proposals related to ASH. Source material for legislation, including the official text and interpretation/analysis, can be found at www.legislature.mi.gov and michiganvotes.org.